Omni Royal Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana
Welcome... the National Trust Closely Held Business Association (NTCH) web site. NTCH is a not-for-profit organization that serves as an education and information resource for the bank trust industry. Membership is comprised of specialists in bank trust departments who manage closely held business interests and other professionals such as business appraisers and attorneys.
Superior educational programs and member networking are two major benefits available to NTCH members. If you are interested in joining the NTCH, please click on the Membership link.
The National Trust Closely Held Business
Association will be hosting its 40th Annual Conference on September 14-17 at
the Omni Royal Orleans Hotel in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. As in previous years it
will include presentations on topics essential to closely held asset management
as well as opportunities to meet others in our industry and network with
colleagues from across the country.
Registration information and additional program can be downloaded from the NTCH Conference page. There is no need to contact the Omni Royal Orleans Hotel directly – we will handle booking all hotel rooms through the registration process. In the meantime, save the date and plan on joining us for a New Orleans celebration!